Tantra massage caresses the soul through the body. What makes a tantric massage so unique?- 

Because the music, the pleasant scent and the cozy lights are transporting you into a special world;- Because my devoted touch will wake up the dormant divine self in you, and will reveal the the respect and love that you feel towards yourself;- Because it builds a bridge between the pillars of your body, your soul and your spirit, thus creating tranquility within the inner layers of your self;- 

Because it brings about and maintains a heightened emotional state and refreshes, rejuvenates your body and enlivens the flow of its energies. By practicing Tantra I have recognised that all of us possess the ability to live a free, happy and balanced life. We are able to love others and to receive love. There is a creative force within us, and once we have experienced it, real, profound changes are occurring in us, in our lives. It was confirmed to me that energy is not lost but transformed ... 

Because we possess the ability to convert it to our own benefit and to the benefit of our beloved ones...... 

We are able to re-define, to re-write the patterns , the hidden programmes and belief systems of our mind by relying on our consciousness, attention and respect..... 

I am calling you into a world where you can bath in delicious energy, and fly on the waves of love, in harmony with yourself, together with others.The ceremony evolves in a pleasant environment with candlelight, scents and tantra music. I use silk and peacock feather to enhance sensual stimulation. I create a protected environment for you where you do not have anything else to do than just being receptive, without any obligation. 

To forgive.  To love. To accept.

Holistic Massage-1092 Budapest, Ráday utca
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